Rank Class | Responsibilities | Rihannsu Fleet Rank | Translation | Federation Starfleet Equivalent |
O12 | Joint Chief of Staff for the Grand Fleet | Vriha`Seidhu | Admiral-Superlative | Admiral-of-the-Fleet |
O11 | Commands a Theatre of War | Khre`Seidhu | Admiral-General | Admiral |
O10 | Commands a numbered Fleet or Sector | Enseidhu | Senior Admiral | Fleet Admiral |
O9 | Commands a Fleet Wing (15-25 ships) | Seidhu | Admiral | Vice Admiral |
O8 | Commands a Fleet Division (5-10 ships) | Erei`Seidhu | SubAdmiral | Rear Admiral |
O7 | Commands a Squadron (3-6 ships) | Khre`Riov | Commander-General | Commodore |
O6A | Commands a Squadron Element (1-3 ships) Senior Captain in a numbered Fleet |
Enriov | Senior Commander | Fleet Captain |
O6 | Commands a major starship | Riov | Commander | Captain |
O5 | Commands a lesser starship XO of major starship |
Erei`Riov | SubCommander | Commander |
O4 | Heads major department on a starship | Enarrain | Senior Centurion | Lieutenant Commander |
O3 | Heads minor department on a starship | Arrain | Centurion | Lieutenant |
O2 | Experienced working officer | Erei`Arrain | SubCenturion | Lieutenant JG |
O1 | Inexperienced working officer | Erein | AnteCenturion | Ensign |
O0 | Student at military academy | Eredh | Cadet | Midshipman |
E9 | Senior enlisted man on starship | Alha Ihfvisaehne | Master Underofficer | Master Chief Petty Officer |
E8 | Senior enlisted man in a starship department | Daise`Ihfvisaehne | Chief Underofficer | Senior Chief Petty Officer |
E7 | Senior enlisted man in a starship duty section | Ihfvisaehne | Underofficer | Chief Petty Officer |
E6 | Supervises a group of 10 crew | Tie-hh Sahraertih | Specialist First | Petty Officer 1st-Class |
E5 | Supervises a group of 5 crew | Ihnerha Sahraertih | Specialist Second | Petty Officer 2nd-Class |
E4 | Junior sub-unit leader, NCO at start of career | Erhwi Sahraertih | Specialist Third | Petty Officer 3rd-Class |
E3 | Experienced crewman | Tie-hh Iahwil | Technician First | Technician 1st-Class |
E2 | Junior crewman | Ihnerha Iahwil | Technician Second | Technician 2nd-Class |
E1 | Crewman just completed basic training | Erhwi Iahwil | Technician Third | Technician 3rd-Class |
E0 | Crewman just started basic training | Saevha | Crewperson | Recruit |
Rank Class | Responsibilities | Rihannsu Marine Rank | Translation | Federation Starfleet Equivalent |
O12 | Joint Chief of Staff for the Legions | Vriha`Daeus | Legate-Superlative | Chief Marshal |
O11 | Commands an Army Group | Endaeus | Senior Legate | Field Marshal |
O10 | Commands a Field Army | Daeus | Legate | General |
O9 | Commands a Army Corps | Enssiebh | Senior Tribune | Lieutenant General |
O8 | Commands a Ground Division | Ssiebh | Tribune | Major General |
O7 | Commands a Brigade Deputy commander of a Ground Divison |
Erei`Ssiebh | SubTribune | Brigadier |
O6 | Commands a Regiment or Brigade | Enarrain | Senior Centurion | Colonel |
O5 | Commands a Battalion | Arrain | Centurion | Lieutenant Colonel |
O4 | Deputy commander of a Battalion | Erei`Arrain | SubCenturion | Major |
O3 | Commands a Company | Enutain | Senior Decurion | Captain |
O2 | Deputy commander of a Company Senior platoon leader |
Utain | Decurion | First Lieutenant |
O1 | Commands a Platoon of 15-25 ground troops | Erei`Utain | SubDecurion | Second Lieutenant |
O0 | Student at a military academy | Eredh | Cadet | Cadet |
E9 | Senior enlisted Legionnaire in a Battalion | Khre`Lhaell | Corporal-General | Sergeant Major |
E8 | Senior non-com in a Company | Alha Lhaell | Master Corporal | Master Sergeant |
E7 | Senior non-com in a Platoon | Daiselhaell | Chief Corporal | Sergeant 1st-Class |
E6 | Supervises a group of 10 troops | Enlhaell | Senior Corporal | Staff Sergeant |
E5 | Supervises a group of up to 5 troops | Lhaell | Corporal | Team Sergeant |
E4 | A junior sub-unit leader just at the start of their non-comm career | Erei`Lhaell | SubCorporal | Corporal |
E3 | The lowest rank that supervises other personnel | Enuhlan | Senior Guardsman | Lance Corporal |
E2 | An experienced Legionnaire | Uhlan | Guardsman | Private 1st-class |
E1 | A young Legionnaire who has completed his basic training | Erei`Uhlan | subGuardsman | Private |
E0 | A recent enlistee who is taking his basic training | Kunhri | Conscript | Recruit |