Federation Starbase 23 - Databanks

Rihannsu Naval Rank Structure

Rank Class Responsibilities Rihannsu Fleet Rank Translation Federation Starfleet Equivalent
O12 Joint Chief of Staff for the Grand Fleet Vriha`Seidhu Admiral-Superlative Admiral-of-the-Fleet
O11 Commands a Theatre of War Khre`Seidhu Admiral-General Admiral
O10 Commands a numbered Fleet or Sector Enseidhu Senior Admiral Fleet Admiral
O9 Commands a Fleet Wing (15-25 ships) Seidhu Admiral Vice Admiral
O8 Commands a Fleet Division (5-10 ships) Erei`Seidhu SubAdmiral Rear Admiral
O7 Commands a Squadron (3-6 ships) Khre`Riov Commander-General Commodore
O6A Commands a Squadron Element (1-3 ships)
Senior Captain in a numbered Fleet
Enriov Senior Commander Fleet Captain
O6 Commands a major starship Riov Commander Captain
O5 Commands a lesser starship
XO of major starship
Erei`Riov SubCommander Commander
O4 Heads major department on a starship Enarrain Senior Centurion Lieutenant Commander
O3 Heads minor department on a starship Arrain Centurion Lieutenant
O2 Experienced working officer Erei`Arrain SubCenturion Lieutenant JG
O1 Inexperienced working officer Erein AnteCenturion Ensign
O0 Student at military academy Eredh Cadet Midshipman
E9 Senior enlisted man on starship Alha Ihfvisaehne Master Underofficer Master Chief Petty Officer
E8 Senior enlisted man in a starship department Daise`Ihfvisaehne Chief Underofficer Senior Chief Petty Officer
E7 Senior enlisted man in a starship duty section Ihfvisaehne Underofficer Chief Petty Officer
E6 Supervises a group of 10 crew Tie-hh Sahraertih Specialist First Petty Officer 1st-Class
E5 Supervises a group of 5 crew Ihnerha Sahraertih Specialist Second Petty Officer 2nd-Class
E4 Junior sub-unit leader, NCO at start of career Erhwi Sahraertih Specialist Third Petty Officer 3rd-Class
E3 Experienced crewman Tie-hh Iahwil Technician First Technician 1st-Class
E2 Junior crewman Ihnerha Iahwil Technician Second Technician 2nd-Class
E1 Crewman just completed basic training Erhwi Iahwil Technician Third Technician 3rd-Class
E0 Crewman just started basic training Saevha Crewperson Recruit

Rihannsu Imperial Legion Rank Structure

Rank Class Responsibilities Rihannsu Marine Rank Translation Federation Starfleet Equivalent
O12 Joint Chief of Staff for the Legions Vriha`Daeus Legate-Superlative Chief Marshal
O11 Commands an Army Group Endaeus Senior Legate Field Marshal
O10 Commands a Field Army Daeus Legate General
O9 Commands a Army Corps Enssiebh Senior Tribune Lieutenant General
O8 Commands a Ground Division Ssiebh Tribune Major General
O7 Commands a Brigade
Deputy commander of a Ground Divison
Erei`Ssiebh SubTribune Brigadier
O6 Commands a Regiment or Brigade Enarrain Senior Centurion Colonel
O5 Commands a Battalion Arrain Centurion Lieutenant Colonel
O4 Deputy commander of a Battalion Erei`Arrain SubCenturion Major
O3 Commands a Company Enutain Senior Decurion Captain
O2 Deputy commander of a Company
Senior platoon leader
Utain Decurion First Lieutenant
O1 Commands a Platoon of 15-25 ground troops Erei`Utain SubDecurion Second Lieutenant
O0 Student at a military academy Eredh Cadet Cadet
E9 Senior enlisted Legionnaire in a Battalion Khre`Lhaell Corporal-General Sergeant Major
E8 Senior non-com in a Company Alha Lhaell Master Corporal Master Sergeant
E7 Senior non-com in a Platoon Daiselhaell Chief Corporal Sergeant 1st-Class
E6 Supervises a group of 10 troops Enlhaell Senior Corporal Staff Sergeant
E5 Supervises a group of up to 5 troops Lhaell Corporal Team Sergeant
E4 A junior sub-unit leader just at the start of their non-comm career Erei`Lhaell SubCorporal Corporal
E3 The lowest rank that supervises other personnel Enuhlan Senior Guardsman Lance Corporal
E2 An experienced Legionnaire Uhlan Guardsman Private 1st-class
E1 A young Legionnaire who has completed his basic training Erei`Uhlan subGuardsman Private
E0 A recent enlistee who is taking his basic training Kunhri Conscript Recruit